Get smart, get broadband
Latest advertising campaigns from the Welsh Assembly Government
Minister dons his driving cap to steer broadband into regional Wales
You may not think you can squeeze much into the boot of a Smart Car… perhaps a shopping bag or two… but did you ever consider turning it into a gateway to the World Wide Web?
The Welsh Assembly Government’s Broadband Wales Unit did. They’ve wired-up three Smart Cars so they can drive broadband into Welsh communities on a six month roadtrip called Get Smart – Get Broadband.
Welsh Assembly website: More
more: | Minister dons his driving cap to steer broadband into regional Wales | Mon, June 20, 2005 |
Broadband Wales is hitting the road for six months with three wireless enabled Smart Cars to drive broadband into Welsh communities on a six month roadtrip called Get Smart - Get Broadband. More
eGov monitor | Broadband into regional Wales | Source: Welsh Assembly Government | Published Friday, 17 June, 2005 - 10:38 |
... includes the following information on the Broadband Wales Programme:
The multi-million-pound Broadband Wales Programme was launched by the Welsh Assembly Government in July 2002. The Programme aims to achieve a competitive and sustainable broadband infrastructure across Wales by March 2007. Specific targets include increasing access to, and take up of, affordable broadband by individuals, communities, businesses and public sector organisations.
Increased availability and improved take-up of broadband is expected to generate a step-change that will help to underpin the successful transition from an industrial to a modern, knowledge economy.
Full article here| Broadband Wales Gets Mobile, Gets Smart | Mike Slocombe | 17 June 05
(...) Andrew Davies, Minister for Economic Development and Transport and e-minister donned his Steve McQueen racing gloves and opined: "We believe the very best way to spread the good news about broadband is not by sitting behind our desks but by hitting the streets of Wales."
"That's why we're taking broadband on the road so that many people will be able to chat to our team of experts face-to-face, and get hands-on with broadband."
( Fleeced by the telcos ? ... )
Break free with Broadband

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