June 02 2005, by Peter Cochrane
Will the mobile industry ever learn? Customers call the shots, not industry or government....
Don't hold your breath for 3G
02.06.05, 12.15 GMT, The Science Museum, London, UK
I just had a meeting with a group of young people who brought back a flood of memories from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, when the UK population wanted commercial radio but the government of the day was wed to a BBC-only world. This resulted in offshore radio stations on trawlers 'illegally' transmitting commercial radio. The government and regulators were outraged, whilst the public and advertisers were delighted. The outcome? Commercial radio was legalised. Public action and opinion won the day!(...) Well, watch out for 4G, 5G, 6G etc... it is time to watch the users and the technology again! More...
[Peter's blog followed his participation in our panel at the Wireless Utopias 05 event at the Science Museum's Dana Centre, London, 26May 2005, organised by Open Spectrum UK and hosted by Cybersalon. A panel of UK and international experts plus regulators from Ofcom explored the agenda for spectrum policy and the public interest in the UK]
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