Sunday, April 23, 2006

Public Knowledge

Public Knowledge is a Washington DC based advocacy group working to defend your rights in the emerging digital culture.


Broadband issues: here and here:

Principles for an Open Broadband Future: A Public Knowledge White Paper
"These problems arise because broadband technologies are operating in a policy vacuum. Today, there is no plan to ensure that broadband will be affordable; there are no enforcement measures to ensure that broadband networks are open and transparent; there is no plan to maximize the provision of unlicensed wireless broadband services and there is no guarantee that municipalities have the right to deploy broadband services for their consumers. This policy vacuum creates uncertainty, chills innovation, and depresses both the demand and supply of broadband services.

The U.S. needs to enact a clear set of principles for broadband services to ensure that these networks are widely deployed, open, affordable and accessible to all consumers. Without such principles, there is great danger that any future legislation on these issues will become a grab bag of special interest provisions. Therefore, the following principles should be the starting point for any telecommunications legislation (...)


Artists, Technology, Telecommunications and Copyright: A Glossary of Key Terms
A glossary of key terms every artist should know when talking about the intersection of art, technology, telecommunications and copyright. More here

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