+ Schools Radio Celebrates City Centenary
Calling all budding DJs and young broadcasters. Cardiff Schools Net radio (CSN Radio) needs you!
A brand new radio station will begin broadcasting from the Light Ship in Cardiff Bay this weekend and youngsters across the city are being urged to grab their chance to take part.
As part of Cardiff’s 2005 centenary celebrations as a city and golden jubilee as capital of Wales, CardiffSchools.net has been hosting The Cardiff Timeline on its web pages where people can read and contribute first hand accounts of life during the last century in the city.
And now, young people can examine and discuss the history of their city and how it has changed over the last 100 years over the airwaves.
CSN Radio organiser Richard Wenner explained: “We really want schoolchildren to be involved in running the radio station. We want them to do the announcing, write the news bulletins and reviews and get involved in making decisions.
“Anyone who is interested can get involved. We’d love for youngsters to come down to the Light Ship to read their favourite piece of poetry or play music live for us.
“The theme of the project is space and time. We’ll be focussing on Cardiff’s history and examining the city’s place in the world.”
CSN Radio will be broadcasting old news as well as current news so listeners should not be surprised to hear headlines telling that the trolley buses have come to a standstill on Newport Road. The bulletins will be explained later in the hour.
Community news will feature throughout the day and organisers are keen to hear from schoolchildren who would like to interview their grandparents about life in Cardiff over the past centenary.
Richard Wenner said: “We have a project called Grilling Gran where we have given five mini disc players to young people to capture their grandparents’ memories and anecdotes.”
CSN Radio will be broadcasting on 87.7FM and programmes will run from 9am to 5pm every day. A test transmission took place on August 1 and the station will go live on Saturday August 6 until the end of the month.
The station’s website (csnradio.info ) features an interactive map where visitors can add their comments about favourite places or memories from right across the globe. CSN Radio is one of several projects on CardiffSchools.net. It goes hand in hand with the Cardiff Timeline which was initiated as part of the 2005 celebrations but it is intended to continue as a resource for CardiffSchools.net.
The Timeline is a chronological list with three columns - one for world events, another for Cardiff events and a memory column. The timeline has been seeded with events and memories from 1905 to 2005 and the idea is to place Cardiff events into a worldwide perspective but also allow groups and individuals to add their own first-hand memories of recent history.
It has been compiled with the help of Cardiff Council, the National Museum of Wales, the Glamorgan Records Office and Cardiff Central Library.
Youngsters interested in taking part on CSN Radio can visit http://csnradio.info for contact details. You can contribute to the Cardiff Timeline at http://timeline.cardiffschools.net
Source here
+ CardiffSchools.net here
cardiffschools.net provides teachers and pupils with a series of web based tools they can access from any PC, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. The system provides them with an individual email address, a personal web site, personal and group file space, a personal desktop comprising timetable, email client, web upload, powerful search tools and communication software.
+ A Cardiff Timeline here
Here you can see and hear first hand accounts of life during the last century in Cardiff, Wales.
Although this site has been initiated as part of Cardiff's 2005 Centenary celebrations, as it's status of a City, and 50 years as the Capital of Wales, it is intended to continue as a resource for CardiffSchools.Net.
Ofcom: UK Radio Licensing
CSN Radio, Cardiff
* Celebration of Cardiff being the capital of Wales for 50 years and a city for 100 years
* On air from: 01/08/05 to 28/08/05
* Contact: Richard Anthony Wenner
Source: Ofcom RSL license information here
Ofcom: Radio Restricted Service Licences (RSLs)
+ RSLs information here
+ Upcoming RSLs here
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