Documentary materials for the Cybersalon & OpenSpectrum UK event, FUTURE WIRELESS: practical.discourse.creative, Science Museum, London, 4 October 2005
(1) Venue: The Science Museum's Dana Centre
(2) Programme: Cybersalon event website
(1) Venue: The Science Museum's Dana Centre
Website and event listing here:
Cybersalon: Future Wireless
19.00 BST, 04/10/05
Join Cybersalon and Open Spectrum UK to scan the horizon of wireless communications and explore its emerging landscape and ecology in the future.
Cybersalon and Open Spectrum UK scan the horizon of wireless communications to explore its emerging landscape and ecology and present an investigation into Future Wireless.
Through three parallel strands of programming - practical, discourse and creative - Future Wireless features presentation, demonstration, practical workshop, artistic intervention and debate to demonstrate and probe the nature, impact and potential of the wireless Internet, mobile telecommunications and other radio-based technologies.
Complemented by the Dana Centre's state of the art technological resources Cybersalon and Open Spectrum UK assemble an international group of cultural commentators, researchers, artists, free wireless network activists and commercial developers to share their insights and speculate on the nature of a 'wireless future'.
Webcast of evening panel session: details here
About the Dana Centre here:
do you want to talk science?
* talk science: futurescience.powerscience.antiscience.dirtyscience.freshscience*
The Dana Centre is a stylish, purpose-built venue, complete with a cafèbar, appealing to adults. It is a place for them to take part in exciting, informative and innovative debates about contemporary science, technology and culture. (...)
The Dana Centre is a collaboration between the BA (British Association for the Advancement of Science), the European Dana Alliance for the Brain and the Science Museum. It is part of the new Wellcome Wolfson Building, which is supported by four principal donors - the Wellcome Trust, the Wolfson Foundation, The Dana Foundation and the Garfield Weston Foundation.
Dana Centre directions and map: here
The Dana Centre
165 Queen's Gate
South Kensington
+0044 (0)207 942 4040

More detailed map here
Dana Centre- October events listing here
Cybersalon: Future Wireless
12.00 04/10/05
Join Cybersalon and Open Spectrum UK to scan the horizon of wireless communications and explore its emerging landscape and ecology in the future. This will be a full day of presentations, workshops, artistic interventions and debate.
Segregating Medicine
19.00 05/10/05
America has launched the world's first race-specific drug, designed for black heart disease patients. Is this a step towards more effective patient-specific medicine? Or does it discriminate by ethnicity? Should race have a place in medicine? Discuss these issues with our panel of experts.
Alien Evolution
19.00 11/10/05
How special is our planet? What can life on Earth tell us about the possible evolution of extra-terrestrials? Could there be life on Mars or a moon of Jupiter, and what life forms might evolve on planets around other stars? In association with Channel 4.
The Ethics of Research Involving Animals
19.00 12/10/05
The animal research debate is seen as 'for' or 'against.' The Nuffield Council on Bioethics recently published a report on this highly complex issue. Join a discussion with a philosopher, a scientist and an anti-vivisection campaigner.
Making Sense: experiencing the world around us
18.30 13/10/05
Do you have a sixth sense? Can you trick your senses? Explore your perceptions by watching a performance of deception, experiencing illusions and indulging in some wine tasting to find out how connoisseurs smell and taste their way to the finest vintage.
Meeting of Minds
09.30 15/10/05
The future of brain science will come under the spotlight, as the UK citizens' panel for the Meeting of Minds European Citizens' Deliberation meet with experts and the public to debate the implications of developments in neuroscience. Your views could help shape the recommendations that will be made to policy-makers.
Meeting of Minds
09.30 16/10/05
The future of brain science will come under the spotlight, as the UK citizens' panel for the Meeting of Minds European Citizens' Deliberation meet with experts and the public to debate the implications of developments in neuroscience. Your views could help shape the recommendations that will be made to policy-makers.
Punk Science: Aliens
19.30 18/10/05
A rip-roaring ride through star systems, crop circles, UFOs and extraterrestrials, Punk Science asks: Is anybody out there? Does anybody actually care? Join us to find out the answers through action packed science experiments, music, audience voting, gags and demos.
Dinner@Dana: What Darwin can't explain
18.30 19/10/05
Evolution via natural selection was Darwin's master theory. Yet while survival of the fittest can explain the shape of a finch's beak, can it tell us how exploding termites came about?
Punk Science: Aliens
19.30 20/10/05
A rip-roaring ride through star systems, crop circles, UFOs and extraterrestrials, Punk Science asks: Is anybody out there? Does anybody actually care? Join us to find out the answers through action packed science experiments, music, audience voting, gags and demos.
Cybercrime: Stealing your identity
19.00 25/10/05
Have you ever had a computer virus? Has your credit card ever been cloned? How much do you trust the security of different technologies? How vulnerable is your identity to cybercrime and how can you protect yourself against identity theft?
Alien Intrigue
19.00 26/10/05
Why are we so fascinated by the idea of aliens on Earth? Do our beliefs stem from folklore or science fiction? Are they a psychological projection of human hopes and fears? Or is our interest in extra-terrestrials an inbuilt phenomenon?
(2) Programme: Cybersalon event website
Cybersalon home-page: event listing here:
FUTURE WIRELESS: practical.discourse.creative
Tuesday, 4th October 2005, 11am-10pm
The Science Museum's Dana Centre, 165 Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London SW7 5HE
Cost: £5. Book online using our secure credit/debit card system HERE
Nearest tubes: South Kensington/Gloucester Road
Cybersalon scans the horizon of wireless communications and explores its emerging landscape and ecology to present an investigation into Future Wireless.
Through three parallel strands of programming – practical, discourse and creative – Cybersalon hosts a day of presentation, demonstration, practical workshop, artistic intervention and debate to demonstrate and probe the nature, impact and potential of the wireless Internet, mobile telecommunications and other radio-based technologies.
Complemented by the Dana Centre's state of the art technological resources, we assemble an international group of cultural commentators, researchers, artists, free wireless network activists and commercial developers to share their insights and speculate on the nature of a ‘wireless future’.
Contributors include: Dooeun Choi, curator Art Center Nabi, Seoul, Korea; Peter Cochrane, co-founder ConceptLabs (former CTO of BT); Robert Horvitz, co-ordinator Open Spectrum Foundation Prague; Adam Hyde, new media artist from New Zealand, with a special interest in streaming media, in both visual and audio contexts; Giles Lane - founder of Proboscis; Tapio Mäkelä – researcher and media artist, USED project in collaboration with m-cult centre for new media culture, Helsinki, Finland and HIIT; Francis McKee - research fellow at Glasgow School of Art and part-time Head of Digital Arts and New Media at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Glasgow; Ian Robinson - BT, Head of Emerging Internet Access products and Wimax expert; and Marc Tuters, researcher in new media, University of Southern California's Annenberg Centre. The programme also features artistic interventions from SOMETH;NG supporting work from MA students at Ravensbourne College, Taxi_onomy and Troika.
The following questions provide some initial triggers:
* The Cybernetic wireless dream? How are wireless technologies changing our personal and social spaces – or how are our personal and social spaces shaping wireless technologies?
* Wireless utopia or dystopia? Has wireless technology liberated communication or revealed a darker, more dysfunctional side to our natures?
* Broadcast or “narrowcast”? Are we moving towards a telco-centric or a user-centric world of mobile wireless communications? Can we realise the promise of the Internet as the great agora - the conversation of the many-to-many – and create an open future of decentralized communication systems and user-generated content?
* Broadband - DIFM or DIY? (do-it-for-me or do-it-yourself?) Why should you build your own free wireless network and how do you do it?
* The Invisible Wealth of Nations? Should the radio spectrum be seen as a “market commodity” or a “national resource” and what is the future of wireless communications and the strategic prospects for utilising the radio spectrum?
Complete with a wired café-bar connecting it to people all around the world, the Dana Centre brings exciting, informative and lively discussion to people who want to talk about challenging and cutting edge topics in science, the arts and culture. The evening panel debate will be web cast live from the Dana Centre, enabling a worldwide audience to engage and interact with the event.
Cybersalon gratefully acknowledges funding and resource support from the Science Museum, Arts Council, British Council, NODE.London and Wireless London.
CYBERSALON NEWS (updated 09-05)
Our next event, scheduled for Tuesday, 4th October 2005 is 'Future Wireless' - the third in a series of of collaborative events with OpenSpectrumUK, a coalition of non-profit organisations engaged in community wireless networking and the advocacy of licence-exempt access to radio spectrum. The Future Wireless programme features a day of presentation, demonstration, practical workshop, artistic intervention and debate to demonstrate and probe the nature, impact and potential of the wireless Internet, mobile telecommunications and other radio-based technologies.
Future Wireless is part of the NODE.London autumn 05 season. This October the UK government holds a pan-European conference on how to increase official regulation and control of intellectual property, copyright and technology. In response, NODE.London is declaring this October an 'Open Season' on technology, media, culture, politics and art with a diverse and challenging series of events:
Saturday 1st - Sunday 2nd October 2005, 11am-6pm
Limehouse Town Hall, 646 Commercial Road, London E14 7HA
Cost: £10 though concessions are available on request -
Nearest tubes: Limehouse/Westferry (DLR)
This event brings together practitioners and projects from the front lines of information infrastructure development to map out connections between Free Networks, Open Hardware, Free Media and Culture, Open Maps/Geodata, Open Civic Information and Community Currencies.
OPEN CONGRESS: Creativity and the public domain
Friday 7th Saturday 8th October 2005, 11am - 5pm
Tate Britain, Millbank London SW1P 4RG
Cost: £20 (£15 concessions).
Booking details: Tate booking: 020 7887 8888
Nearest tubes: Pimlico
Inspired by Free Software, which challenges conventional practices of authorship, ownership and distribution, this innovative congress explores the implications of those developments for art, visual culture and cultural production in general.
Taking place across two days, the Congress will be structured through three themes of Governance, Creativity and Knowledge; and an array of international and UK participants - artists, theorists, academics and activists - will shape Open Congress through presentations, discussion, workshops and events.
The Congress includes Cory Doctorow - from the EFF, Lawrence Liang - Alternative Law Foundation, Mackenzie Wark - A Hacker Manifesto, Johanna Gibson - Libre Society, Trebor Scholz - The Institute of Distributed Creativity, Tiziana Terranova, Talkaoke, and Wireless London among many others.
For more details visit the website: http://opencongress.omweb.org
In collaboration with Chelsea College of Art and Design, Node.l, Wireless London, Mute, and Tate Digital Programmes.
Initiated by Critical Practice at Chelsea College of Art and Design
Cybersalon moves into the second year of its residency programme at the Science Museum's Dana Centre
The Cybersalon programme at the Science Museum's Dana Centre includes:
* Future Wireless conference - a day of presentation, demonstration, practical workshop, artistic intervention and debate to demonstrate and probe the nature, impact and potential of the wireless Internet, mobile telecommunications and other radio-based technologies. Future Wireless is the lastest in a series of collaborative events with Open Spectrum UK, a coalition of non-profit organisations engaged in community wireless networking and the advocacy of licence-exempt access to radio spectrum - as part of NODE.London's autumn '05 season;
Cybersalon: More details on the Future Wireless event here:
Event Structure
Future Wireless features a mix of three parallel strands of programming:
* Throughout the day, activists and developers from WSFII (World Summit on Free Information Infrastructures) will tell their 'stories from the front' - sharing insights and perspectives on actually building Free Information Infrastructures in communities around the world.
* A series of workshops will provide practical, hands-on introductions on how to build your own wireless node and use it to connect your locality to other free infrastructures such as the ‘Free Map’ and other local information services.
* Future Wireless workshop: a daytime workshop on the future of wireless communications, hosted by Open Spectrum UK, will explore key issues of technology, regulation, society and culture. This workshop follows our successful Wireless Utopias 05 experts panel event at the Dana Centre in May 2005
* Wireless Horizons Panel: an evening public debate exploring the social, cultural and political contours of a wireless future - presenting perspectives from leading international cultural commentators, researchers and artists.
* A programme of demonstrations and presentations will provide a meeting point between examples of community wireless networks, including a number of co-ops and use of innovative wireless mesh technologies that work, artistic projects that explore the potential of the technologies, and contemporary and innovative commercially led research and development of consumer products and services that utilise them.
* Through an ACE application, Cybersalon aims to support research and development projects by three artist groups – Taxi_onomy, SOMETH;NG and Troika - to develop critical and constructive interventions into the event programme that highlight the potential of a wireless future. These interventions will be designed, developed and delivered by the artists and will aim to facilitate communication and exchange between participants and visitors at the Dana Centre, remotely, and at the other NODE.London events throughout the course of the month.
Triggers for Discussion
The following questions provide some initial triggers:
* The Cybernetic wireless dream? How are wireless technologies changing our personal and social spaces – or how are our personal and social spaces shaping wireless technologies?
* Wireless utopia or dystopia? Has wireless technology liberated communication or revealed a darker, more dysfunctional side to our natures?
* Broadcast or “narrowcast”? Are we moving towards a telco-centric or a user-centric world of mobile wireless communications? Can we realise the promise of the Internet as the great agora - the conversation of the many-to-many – and create an open future of decentralized communication systems and user-generated content?
* Broadband - DIFM or DIY? (do-it-for-me or do-it-yourself?) Why should you build your own free wireless network and how do you do it?
* The Invisible Wealth of Nations? Should the radio spectrum be seen as a “market commodity” or a “national resource” and what is the future of wireless communications and the strategic prospects for utilising the radio spectrum?
* Future Wireless is part of a series of London-wide events under the NODE.London umbrella championing the lowering of barriers to ICT access and the promotion of Free Networks and Open Source principles and practices.
* Cybersalon as part of a coalition of agencies and networks including Open Spectrum UK, NODE.London, WSFII, Open Congress, Wireless London.
* This event will focus on the wider cultural impact and practical uses of wireless technologies - acting as a bridge linking WSFII's experimental and empirical approach to building Free Information Infrastructures with the Open Congress' two day discursive and experiential event at Tate Britain exploring Open Source Development themes in an Art context. (More details below in Background).
Other events in the NODE.London Autumn 05 season:
Monday, 26th - Fri 31st September: World Summit on Free Information Infrastructures Workshops (www.wsfii.org) workshops at Limehouse Town Hall: a week of informal gathering, discussion and workshops amongst free infrastructures pragmatists, leading up to the summit. During this week, Limehouse will become the focus for production of free geodata, free networks, open publishing materials and other experiments in peer-communications systems.
Saturday, 1st – Sunday, 2nd October - WSFII: The World Summit will be based at Limehouse, where test cases of free infrastructures will have been set up over the last week. The format is simple: a rolling programme of stories being told by WSFII delegates, personal 'tales from the front' as it were. At the same time, Free Infrastructures groups will be attending a programme of workshops scattered all over the building, where the public can get a direct experience of using, contributing to and participating in peer communications techniques and technologies.
Friday, 7th – Saturday, 8th October 2005: Open Congress (http://opencongress.omweb.org/modules/wakka/HomePage) - a group of artists, researchers and academics - some of whom are based at Chelsea College of Art and Design - who are working towards an Open Congress that seeks to understand how methodologies derived from Free/Libre and Open Source Software [FLOSS] production can be deployed by those working in the area of art, visual culture and cultural production in general. The events aims to explore how FLOSS inspired practices challenge the ruling paradigms of production and knowledge; particularly conventional practices of authorship, ownership and distribution.We aim to address these questions through an innovative form of ‘congress’ - which will itself be ‘open source’ in its form and structure. Open Congress will be held at Tate Britain, Millbank, London.
The following is a basic outline. Full details of speakers and session outlines will be available shortly.
All speakers are confirmed but timings are subject to change at any time.
The £5 registration fee includes a £4 voucher for use at the Dana Centre d.cafe which is open from 10am-7pm for food and refreshments.
The Dana Centre has free Wireless Internet access – please bring your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled laptops and handhelds to contribute to the proceedings throughout the day.
10.30-11.30am Coffee & Registration
11.30-12.00am Welcome & Introduction
Lewis Sykes (Cybersalon) & John Wilson (OpenSpectrumUK)
12.00 am -1.15pm
Session 1
d.study & d.studio
WSFII 'Stories From The Front'
Laura Forlano & Dana Spiegel (www.nycwireless.net)
Mike Lenczner (ilesansfil.org)
Wireless London practical workshops
PORTA2030 working session
d.lounge & d.cafe
Steve Symons (muio.org) – Aura
Marc Tuters - DSUP
Beatrice Gibson & Celine Conderelli - Taxi_onomy
Hotspot 1
Sophia Drakopulou (Middlesex University/Cybersalon) - Location Based Technologies and Wireless Networks
1.45-2.45pm Break
Session 2
WSFII 'Stories From The Front'
Tomas Krag (wire.less.dk)
Wireless London practical workshops
d.lounge & d.cafe
Dooeun Choi - Art Centre Nabi
Adam Hyde (radioqualia) - mobicasting
Sebastien Noel (Troika) - The Media Weapon Project
Daniel Heery (Alston Cybermoor) - Community, Broadband and Narrowcast
Barry Eaton (Anglesey Connected) - Building a Regional Broadband Network
Hotspot 2
Tapio Mäkelä (HIIT/m-cult) - Wireless Fascination, Cybernetics Revisited
4.30-5.00pm Break
SuperNode Keynotes
Ian Robinson (Head of Emerging Products, BT) - BT and WiMax
Peter Cochrane (ConceptLabs) - Future Wireless? Technology, Regulation & Society
Giles Lane (Proboscis) - Social Tapestries: Public authoring in the Wireless City
6.00-7.00pm Break
Wireless Horizons Panel Session 1
Presentations & Audience Q&A
Provocateur: John Wilson (OpenSpectrumUK)
Panelists: Dooeun Choi (Arts Center Nabi), Peter Cochrane (Concept Labs), Robert Horvitz (Open Spectrum Foundation), Adam Hyde (radioqualia), Tapio Mäkelä (HIIT/m-cult), Francis McKee (Glasgow Centre for Contemporary Art), Ian Robinson (BT), Marc Tuters (University South California)
8.15-8.45pm Break
8.45-10.00pm Wireless Horizons Panel Session 2
Presentations & Audience Q&A
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