Intel.com | Moore's Law, Made Real by Intel Innovation
In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon Moore saw the future. His prediction, popularly known as Moore's Law, states that the number of transistors on a chip doubles about every two years. This observation about silicon integration, made a reality by Intel, has fueled the worldwide technology revolution.
More Performance for Less Cost
Many are familiar with Intel's exponential increases in the number of transistors integrated into our processors and other leading platform ingredients. These increases, as the following graph illustrates, have steadily and reliably lead to more computing performance as measured in millions of instructions per second (MIPS).
Moore’s Law Means More Performance. Processing power, measured in millions of instructions per second (MIPS), has risen because of increased transistor counts.
But Moore's Law also means decreasing costs. As silicon-based components and platform ingredients gain in performance, they become exponentially cheaper to produce, and therefore more plentiful, more powerful, and more seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. Today's microprocessors run everything from toys to traffic lights. A musical birthday card costing a few U.S. dollars today has more computing power than the fastest mainframes of a few decades ago.
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Improving Lives Across the World
Intel's realization of Moore's Law is more than leading-edge technology and unmatched manufacturing prowess—it is about the people who use the end results of those advancements, the people who find parts of their lives enhanced by technology. Consider:
Families and friends who connect in an instant, sharing photos, playing games and trading advice, all while overcoming great distances and time differences.
Doctors who access the Internet in the examining room, verifying the latest updates on chemical reactions, alternatives, and availability of your elder parents' prescriptions.
On-the-go parents who can carry games and other digital entertainment for their younger children on sleek, light and portable devices that also allow them to call their older, free-spirited teenagers to check on their well-being.
Entrepreneurs who launch new business models, ultimately enabling new market segments, companies, products and services, and employment sectors to grow.
Underlying and enabling all these experiences—capabilities that 40 years ago were science fiction at best—are Intel's advancements in silicon, processors and platforms.
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